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Research Methods 


To evolve research positionality and methods that honor the art therapy onto-epistemology considerations to develop a substantial knowledge base about how and why art therapy works among different communities and cultures.

Action Items:

  1. Develop a networking forum that connects practitioners with researchers to advertise current recruitment, highlight the latest findings in research, assist in grant writing, and develop wide-scale projects. 
  2. Systematically identify, define, and disseminate information about different research methods, trends, priorities, and ethical considerations that are socially inclusive, equitable, and just. 
  3. Explore and re-evaluate the role of the visual elements arts-based evidence and artistic inquiry in research efforts to advance knowledge in art therapy. 
  4. Prioritize teaching research methods at the Masters level and provide opportunities for students to engage in art therapy research during their training. 

Art Therapy Research Community Network

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